My daughter is 2 and a half years old and we have waited a long long long time for her hair to come in. We just started being able to put cute little clips in her hair.
Back in the late 70's early 80's there was a weird phenomenom called the bowl haircut. Don't exactly know why it was so popular...but we all had these cuts and it still traumatizes me.

This afternoon my husband decided to go and visit his parents. He went to grab some lunch, but luckily for everyone's sake came back to his parents' house just in time to find his mother with scissors in her hands about to cut our daughter's hair into a bowl cut!!! My mother in-law found nothing wrong with what she was about to do. Thank goodness for drive thrus!
haha the dreaded bowl cut... close call. when i was 7, i was traumatized too by the hands of my grandma and her foot long shears. she lopped off my long locks for the shortest bowl cut ever, just in time for my first day at my new school. i cried for days. sweet memories!