Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just found this site...might be helpful

1 comment:

  1. Express your feelings and know the common problems. Be aware that there is a belief that mothers-in-law often assume that daughters-in-law are terrible manipulators who wickedly control their son's lives. [but what if that's true?] It's not always true - more often, the mother-in-law just doesn't want to face the fact that now she must stand behind another woman in her son's life [excuse me? i'm not standing "behind" any woman in my son's life. i gave birth to my son. the other woman who bears his child then comes close, but not before me.]. Other common issues: Mother feels a little less important to her child [i'm not worried about that. i don't see how that could ever happen], Mother wants to be more involved with the young couple [it's only because that's what my son wants. He checks to watch my reaction every few minutes while he is playing with his toys, he wants me to read to him every night. you don't think he wants me involved now and forever?], Mother still sees son/daughter as her child rather than someone's spouse [ i am told this is natural- i still have his birth photo- him all wrapped in those hospital blankets - as the wallpaper on my cellphone, and that is the image i hold of him] . These issues can lead Mother to be overly critical or to get her nose bent out of joint over little things. Don't make judgmental comments as she does, but let your husband (or wife) know that it hurts. You are entitled to share these feelings with your spouse (your best friend) [in which case he will probably tell you to stop acting crazy, and that his mom knows him best]. Do not criticize her - remember this is his/her mother [THAT'S RIGHT! AND DONT YOU FORGET IT!] but don't protect her either [i'm fine with that, i can protect myself & my son from you, thank you]. You can say something like, "Honey, your mom may not mean to be hurtful, but tonight, she was. In the future, if she says something like (give the example that hurt you), I would appreciate it if you would speak up for me - maybe say something like (a respectful response which tells his/her mother that she is not being very nice, and that your spouse is not happy about it)".
